Monday, November 22, 2010
Dear Dr Teng
by Moving Gerakan on Saturday, November 20, 2010 at 3:59pm
Dear Dr Teng,
We would like to refer to your recent press interview reported in Guang Ming Daily and here are some direct feedbacks to you.
Contest or Not to Contest
You told the press you would promote new blood in the coming general elections. But when asked about whether you would stand for elections you were non-committal. You said that currently you did not have a seat to contest but would leave the final decision to your CWC. We are quite sure that if you have made up your mind not to contest, no matter how much persuasion or even direction from the CWC, you would still stick to your decision not to contest. However, judging from your wishy-washy reply, it is clear that you think you are still fit to be a candidate and want a seat to contest and even going for a safe seat like Pantai Jerejak.
At this point in time, what Party Gerakan needs is rejuvenation and internal party strengthening strategy. As such, contest or not to contest should not even be the question to answer. It is like a person who is recovering from an operation and is required to indulge in heavy activities. As a doctor, you would have given advice to your patient to focus his or her energy in recuperation and to ensure the internal wound heals first. Once the wound has healed, then only the patient can start to focus on heavy activities.
Based on our intelligence prior to EGM, you have pledged that whether you win or lose, you would be relinquishing your post. Now it looks like you do not live up to your words. You seem to be more concerned in tightening your grip on power by putting your men in key positions with no regards if they command support from the grassroots or if they have the capability to revamp the party.
As long as you still harbour hope of contesting, you are paying lip service to your rejuvenation plan. You will be seen not only as practising double standards but also using it as a ploy to remove your political rivals. You seem to be more interested in grabbing seats for your supporters in the general elections than party unity.
Chances of Winning
When reporters alluded that you were so unpopular that you might be rejected again by the voters if you contest again, you avoided the question by saying that you haven’t heard any members in Gerakan making that comment…
Do not be an ostrich burying your head in the sand! You seem to have very short memory. Haven’t you forgotten about the EGM passing a motion of no confidence on you? The EGM movers have repeatedly said that your public image was a liability to Gerakan because of your role you played in the last state government and the public disgrace you brought to Gerakan during the CM saga of the last GE.
In addition, we would like to remind you that it would be the people who will decide on your fate in an election and not the members of your party.
Let us repeat this again. You do not stand a chance of winning based on your current political stands and on whatever you do or say. Isn’t the recent public exchange between you and the CM Lim Guan Eng over the issue of investments for Penang enough to show how low your public standing is among the voters of Penang? It is a burden to Party Gerakan as you were in the last government that had been rejected by the people in 308. Will you now consider not contesting in the next general elections and focusing on your party’s power-transfer plan instead?
It appears to us that it is “business as usual” under your leadership. Where is your new election strategy? Do you really think that by changing the names of people holding party positions, the voters will embrace you as an alternative government for Penang? Do you know that the Penang voters have already lost hope that Gerakan can possibly play any more roles in Penang? They do not even wish to comment any more on Gerakan after the EGM. Such is Gerakan’s relevance in the eyes of the public.
Age factor
Dr Teng, if we are not mistaken, you are already 65 years old and going to be 66 or 67 by the time the next GE is being called. It is not the question of your health that is crucial but the image you represent. Being old and over-used, you actually run out of wits and ideas to resolve a new set of problems faced by the party vis-à-vis the electorate.
In addition, the trend is happening all over the world that rejuvenation of leaders is taking place. Take an example, in the US, their President is young and full of energy. Don’t you think it is time to give the younger generation the opportunities to lead the party? We believe so. We also believe that it is even more important for these young leaders to free Gerakan from UMNO hegemony and exert its independence in politics as prerequisites for Gerakan’s survival.
Party Gerakan Penang Line-up
Beside the points above, we would also like to share the sentiment of some of the Gerakan members. Your current state line-up lacks the excitement, vision and inspiration that are much awaited for. We are not sure how this can turn around the tide for Gerakan. The line-up represents more of an uninspiring lot waiting to be mauled alive by the hungry CAT.
When two leaders were named to head the same bureau, we can’t help thinking that either these leaders are not capable to lead on their own or it is another post-creating exercise to satisfy your “horse-trading” quotas needed to fulfill the promises you made while campaigning during the EGM. Either way, it is pathetic and unhealthy. Besides, haven’t you heard that there can never be 2 tigers in a hill?
It seems that you have never-ending stream of challenges as the Chairman of Penang Gerakan and perhaps, you should take a step back and reflect on whether you are the cause of this problem or this problem causes you to have more problems.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
A peek review of Gerakan’s destiny post NDC 2010
A Peek Review at Gerakan’s Destiny
With the conclusion of the 33rd National Delegates Conference (NDC), there might be hope and confidence generated that Party Gerakan is on its way for a quick rebound. However, the NDC is not without other excitements that leave the journalists and political observers speculate whether the rebound is merely a smoke screen or the Chapter 2 pf Gerakan Denial Syndrome. (Sigh! The level of the Denial Syndrome I could have just been raised to another notch)
The conference started with the ex-Advisor openly calling for the President “not to over- stay his welcome” . He hinted that the president should resign if the delegates do not want him anymore. Who is he for the ex-advisor to speak in such a tone to the president of Gerakan elected by the party? If he is not happy with the performance of the latter, he should call for an EGM to oust him, instead of using public pressure and covert arm-twisting by his hatchet men in the CWC to force him out of office. The undemocratic practice of the ex-advisor do not allay public fear that he is installing his man to be another weak president and hence paving the way for his son to take over Gerakan in the near future.
The ex-advisor seems to be giving the green light to delegates to demand for the President’s early retirement, thus starting an ugly internal war in the Party. Don’t worry delegates. Contrary to common belief, the President will not use his newly learnt Praying Mantis as he knows that he will not be able to take on the ex-advisor heads on. He is expected to continue using his Tai Chi to bargain for the continuation of his ministerial post in exchange for an early retirement, hence passing on the party to the ex-advisor on a silver platter.
In whichever case Parti Gerakan is the loser.
Is Gerakan on the way to become a “feudal party” of some “sendirian berhad”? It is unfathomable to see Tun Lim Keng Yaik sitting on stage next to the president during the NDC when he is no longer the Party Advisor.
Maybe out of "kam cheng" or some other personal reasons, Tun is asked to be on the stage. But Gerakan must be clear to differentiate between 'personalising' the Party and 'respecting the office of the Office bearers' that is the CC. Just like the Cabinet, an ex-PM or ex-Minister cannot be invited to sit in the Cabinet. And it does not mean that we no longer respect them. Therefore, the Party must avoid the perception that Tun Lim is the 'persona' of Party Gerakan. It is no good for party image and it does not auger well for the future of Gerakan that an ex-President of 27 years still wields his power-axe around even after his retirement.
In his NDC speech, the president high-spiritedly declared that Gerakan is down but is not out, and that the party is not hopeless and irrelevant as critics put it. The President presented the data of 20000 new members to prove his point. Yes, congratulations to the President! While the breakdown of the figures is not available , we presume that the majority of these members come from Sabah (via the SAPP route) and Pahang. The President should be reminded that, for now, the Parti Gerakan’s base is still very much in Penang unless he has moved them over to Sabah without notifying the delegates. Nevertheless, Sabah has a different political landscape that requires different focus before Parti Gerakan can be a major force there. (Perhaps, the President can learn a few things from Pairin.)
For us, such a revelation is nothing but a symptom of the self-denial syndrome. After the 308 debacle, we remember vividly that the party leadership also used the fact that Gerakan did not have exodus of members to prove that Gerakan was still relevant. But what is the reality? The public has given up hope on Gerakan. It is pathetic that our leaders continue to choose sedatives to numb themselves and not to face the real reasons behind Gerakan’s perpetual decline.
Well, before the denial syndrome gets into us, let us present another perspective of reality in particular for the Parti Gerakan’s Penang members while the motivations are high after the NDC for the preparation towards GE13. Here are some of the facts to consider:
a) Gerakan Seats Allocation - Most of the state seats allocated to Gerakan have a breakdown of more than 50% of the Chinese but less than 80%. The Malays voters averaging about 30% of less. With the current scenario, the best swing will be about 30% of the total Chinese votes available, 65% of the Malay votes and 70% of Indian/others. With this scenario. Verdict: only Bukit Tengah has a 50% chance and with a slight jerk, we are gone.
b) Why only estimate 30% of Chinese Votes the max - We believe historically, on average, getting 50% of the Chinese votes in a particular constituency is a mission near impossible. The Chinese communities are mostly self sufficient and only requested for the followings – good governance, education opportunities, business opportunities, fairness and corruption free which they felt or perceived that this was lacking under the leadership of Party Gerakan especially towards the final year to the run-up to 308.
The sentiments on the ground are still very strong for the PR and they have made in-roads. The electorate fears that putting Gerakan back into power will mean being subservient to UMNO again. Party Gerakan has not given these groups of voters the REASONs to believe that if they are voted back into power, they are able to govern without playing second fiddle to UMNO.
c) Some election pundits in the party have said that Gerakan could win 3 seats in the coming GE13. With UMNO winning all 14 seats and MCA’s win of 3 seats plus MIC’s 1 seat, BN can form the simple majority government in Penang. This is possible if UMNO continues to be very strong and the rest of components parties have improved their image. These pundits hope that Gerakan can still be the Chief Minister in the government even with three seats. Well, will the 3 seats be good enough to be an independent Chief Minister? Gerakan will be an out and out puppet CM at the mercy of UMNO. He is going to be “a sitting duck” CM. When that happened Penang electorate would say their adieu to Gerakan. Is Penang state Chairman so “gian” to become CM that he is willing to sell his soul and destroy Gerakan forever?
d) Depending on UMNO to deliver? Referring to (a) above, Party Gerakan definitely depends strongly on UMNO to deliver the Malay votes for all the 13 states seats contested by Gerakan. The percentage is not small but more than 65% of the Malay votes needed for Gerakan candidates to win back their seats. This gives rise to a situation where Gerakan remains subservient to UMNO. After all it is UMNO which is the biggest contributor in making the Gerakan candidate a YB !!!
e) In the last GE 12, did Gerakan, MCA and MIC fail to deliver the votes to UMNO ? The answer is quite a certain YES. There are 2 seats (Batu Maung (N37) and Sungai Bakap) (N20)) which Malay voters are about 50% whereas the rest made up about 40%. The failure to deliver the bulk of this 40%, had caused UMNO lose the seats.
f) Will Party Gerakan be able to shed their image of subservience in time for GE13 ? The answer is a definite NO. Our earlier arguments have shown very clearly that Penang Gerakan’s election strategy is one of “UMNO Votes dependency” and therefore Gerakan will continually be beholden to UMNO. To add insults to injury, Penang Gerakan is too entrenched with the rule by “horse trading”. Only candidates behave at the behest of the top leadership will be “rewarded”. Therefore this culture of subservience will prevail.
g) Same old method or behavior never change Time and again we have advocated that Gerakan should not use the old methods to solve new problems. We can no longer run the party with “business-as-usual” mindset, as if 308 never happened. The electorate wants us to be independent and move away from UMNO, yet we choose to be close to UMNO to beg for their votes. It is this politics without backbones that people hate and reject. Why do we continue to opt for a strategy that brings only temporary gain, if any? This, we believe have very much to do with the mentality of our leadership.
We believe the above discussion might be disheartening to the delegates after they have listened to motivational speeches at the NDC, like the “Middle Path”, moving from Tai Chi to Praying Mantis, “down but not out”. They have also heard the delegates from the floor who stood their grounds against UMNO providing some glimmer of hope to Gerakan. But then in reality, their leaders depended on UMNO to make them into YB. Will they listen to all these delegates ?
Reality can be cruel and it hurts. The reset button has just been pushed and you are back to where you were right after the 308. Business is as usual. We hope actions will be carried out to match the eloquence of the presidential address.
gG - Gerakanlah Gerakan
Thursday, October 28, 2010
gG's Congratulatory Open Letter to Dr Teng Hock Nan
Dear Dr Teng,
Congratulations on making it through the vote of no-confidence that is brought against you as the State Chairman by the EGM movers. The EGM should be viewed with successes for everyone as all the delegates that attend them were very democratic whichever side they cast their preference and this should be applauded too. This shows that democratic process is still very much alive in Party Gerakan although there are attempt to derail them earlier.
The other positive outcome of the EGM is that the delegates gets to engage you after an elapse of 2 years and I am sure they are glad to get a chance to hear from you along with multiple dinner or lunches courtesy of you.
Now that the result is a foregone conclusion, we need to take a step back to reflect on the whole issue so that all of us learnt through this experience while you are tasked with uniting the Party.
There were some points that are noteworthy for your considerations as you put the plan for the future together.
a) New Standards & Expectations
As you recover from the tiring campaigning trail, the expectation of the delegates has just been raised further on you to lead the team up another notch. In short, the performance standard has just been raised again. This means that you will need to double your effort from before just to meet the minimal expectations of the delegates and more than triple the effort to meet the voters aspirations. Hope that you have a chance to give this some deep thoughts on how to manage this while recuperating.
b) Transition Plan
One of the frequent commitments which you have made during the campaigning was that you will work on a transition plan. We sincerely hope that the transition plan will be an inclusive one versus the one prior to EGM where the divide and eliminate style was being used. Although half of the EGM movers were not delegates, they shared the view that was expressed above and we will like to present this to you for your considerations.
c) Unity Plan
This is another common shared view even among both side of the divide. They wanted unity as much as everyone but the challenge is how you are going to make this happen. Unity as explained by us before this, has to be viewed from both angles and that is why it is a WE. (akin to SATU HATI) To unite, a leader requires a good management and organizational skill sets coupled with shrewdness to be able to pull this through. It is not by just words of SATU HATI nor open invite to fill up positions. It is a journey or process to gel and merge the team. If you don’t have the skills, you may want to look around your team or hire consultant to play that role. Anything short of this will definitely be a disaster and it will be worst off than where we are before.
d) High veterans turn out to support you
The analysis of the results shows that majority of your support comes from the veterans group.
While the younger generations wanted to move on with their aspiration and hope, the veterans may not share the same excitement due to their non-connectivity with the younger generations. The point that was missed out while you campaign is that the General Elections 13 (GE13) decision will be made by 2 millions of new voters who will be looking towards someone who could relate to them better. As such, although the battle was won but it will be at the expense of Party Gerakan performance in the GE13.
Your challenge is to turn the support from the veterans that supported you and translate them into activities that you can get them to organize and mobilize the Youth and everyone. I am not sure how difficult this is for you but the observations is that majority of them hardly participate or organize activities after the 308. One good gauge will be the attendance to the SDC record for the last 2 years or the meetings or activities held at their respective branches.
e) Friendly angel sponsors
You may not be aware but you definitely have a friendly angel sponsors that have helped you to campaign the last minute and goodies are being shared with the delegates. This is just like Christmas comes early this year in October. However, on hindsight, such a practice will destroy the Party. I am not sure how you feel about this but if the above information were true, I believed it went against the principle of our Party Ideology that we hold dear in our heart and am sure that you will be keen to investigate whether there is any truth in this and take the appropriate disciplinary actions if it is found true.
f) Positions being offered
Although this maybe a timing issue as you review the list of your current team to fill up some critical positions like coordinators and etc, it could have been avoided and put on hold such discussion during this period of time where it could be easily misconstrued. I am sure the 12 days period will not jeopardize your timeline in filling them up.
The incident that causes the Vice Youth Chief to go to the press could have been avoided if there isn’t any discussion of such positions available by your so called Chief of Staff who has openly campaign for you. As such, it is natural for them to believe in this when it was being brought up. In fact, we should look at this from a more positive limelight that at least the younger generations of these Vice Youth Chiefs are not tempted by positions and will like to see the end of Horse Trading that has make Party Gerakan so subservient. At least we know these are the people that give hope to the voters’ aspirations of wanting a clean leader.
g) Harassing the signatories
We were disappointed with the action that some of the 64 signatories have been called up to withdraw their support although there was an earlier period that allows them to do this before the State Secretary sends out the invitation. Once the invitation is out, whatever attempt can be misconstrued as disrupting the democratic process. This is a form of harassing especially if it is done on individual basis. It will be much better if you could have just organize a get together for all this 64 signatories and talk to them to see whether they are agreeable to the withdrawal and this will show much transparency in managing crisis with sincerity.
h) Promises that were made
As the dust settle from the EGM, I will like to remind you that one of the main reason for the EGM requisition is the failure to deliver on the promises. The clock is fast ticking away and I am hopeful that you have realized this and will be quickly putting a plan together in the next few weeks and share them. It is important to align the whole party on the direction to take.
Dr Teng, I am sympathetic to you on the huge burden that has suddenly landed on your shoulders with the analytical points above while the rest of the Party Gerakan members are looking upon you to see how you will be closing the rank to build a more united party as we emerge from the post EGM era.
I was just wondering whether the thoughts of you losing the motion yesterday will have given you the new breathe of life that allows you to do the things that you wanted so much to enjoy and not being able to spend as much time as before due to the public life demand. Nevertheless, the question will never be answered but you will definitely need to spend more time in reviving and correcting the situations while doubling the effort with time running against you. An analogy will be that you are swimming against the current to reach the waterfall at the beginning point of a river and the river is not the Sungai Pinang but more like Nile River where you are swimming in the murky water after heavy rainfall with strong undercurrent.
Once again congratulations, and the kick-off whistle has been blown the moment that you were garland on 10-10-10.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Open letter to Penang State Gerakan Chairman
Sdr Dr Teng Hock Nan,
With your declaration during the Gerakan Penang State Delegates Conference opening speech this morning, it looks like the EGM is inevitable. I believe you understand the various reasons for calling the EGM, this letter is meant to remind you, just in case you have missed out on them unintentionally.
a) No Tangible Results for the last 2 years
During your tenure as the State Chairman, most of the grassroots members do not feel that you have delivered any tangible results in making Penang Gerakan relevant again.
b) Absence of Strategy
Your strategy of waiting for the CAT government to make mistakes so that this will allow you to come back is NOT A STRATEGY. It is just like leaving your fate to the others. You need to lead your party with a strategy that will make Penang Gerakan relevant again.
In addition, due to the lack of strategy that provides for a clear direction, our Party Gerakan Youth team that has so much passions to serve the community were left carrying out their own activities that in their mind will help Party Gerakan. In the end, they have to suffer the negative feedback from the public and to worsen thing, your supporters also give them the flak.
An effective leader in organization skills will know how to motivate and encourage this passionate Party Gerakan Youth team and bring them to greater heights by leveraging their passions to serve the communities. They are the future of the Party and, as Chairman, you are accountable to groom them for succession plan. As such, as a leader, sometimes we just need to be accountable for the well being of the whole party.
c) Allowing you to complete your term
2 years have since passed with you as the Chairman but we are all still struggling trying to understand the direction that you are taking us. In short, there is still NO CLEAR strategy besides the “formulae of 3-3-3-1” that signifies the number of seats has to be won by component parties to recapture Penang. This strategy is very easy to counter by the current government team – “a Vote for Gerakan is a vote for UMNO” and we will all be back to square one. In short, we need a more innovative strategy to capture the imagination of the voters.
You haven’t done much in the last 2 years. Objective factors prevent you from doing so. How much could you do if given another year? Even if you start formulating a plan now, you would probably ask for another term to complete it. Chances are, no plan will be put forward again. Judging from your performance in the last two years, you are not even able to grasp the essence of the problems faced by the party, let alone solve them. Clearly, your current skill sets shows that you do not possess the organizational and management skills to overcome the multitudes of challenges besetting the Party. Different type of leaders are required in different situations and with due respect, your leadership qualities does not suit the current scenario.
From the GE standpoint, we are already 2.5 years passed the mark and most probably it will be another 1.5 years before the next GE. As such, we appeal to you to allow whichever new leader a chance to put forward a viable election plan, so that we stand a better chance in the next GE.
Time is definitely running out.
d) Why Immediate Change?
The looming General Election might be held possibly next year. Time is extremely limited for the new leaders to put the plan into action. With the additional year (at least), the new leaders have the opportunity to make up for the 2 year of lost time although it is not simple but with a very realistic chance. Waiting until next year party election, there will not be enough time for the transformation to take place in making Party Gerakan relevant and appealing to the voters. As such, your holding on to your position can be construed as a very selfish reason in denying the Party a chance to reform. We urge you to make way for a new leadership. With a new image and style in the Party, a new era of hope and enthusiasm will sweep the party.
In addition, based on the Party Gerakan track record, whenever there is an upcoming General Election, the Central Committee will likely pass a resolution to postpone the party election for a maximum period of 18 months. This record is near perfect.
Assuming that you stay on, more members will leave the party because they see no hope of revival. In the end, the Party may just end up becoming an empty shell. We would like to appeal to you to look at the bigger picture, to allow the reform to happen by making way for it. Can we count on your generous heart (like what you displayed during the SDC) to step down now and retire gracefully?
e) Unity of the Party in Bigger Context
Unity requires “WE” to make it work. That is why “WE” starts with a “W” (Double U).
Unity is not to be viewed from only your supporters’ perspective. It has to be inclusive of everyone and this requires a very big heart.
Unity does sometimes require a leader to look at the bigger picture and sacrifice for the party that he or she loves in order to allow unity to exist and flourish. So, Dr Teng, do you love your party enough to allow this to happen?
If you feel that you owe it to your supporters in making you where you are today, I am sure any new leaders will be willing to close rank to include your supporters if you have shown them how much you love your party.
We hope it is not too naïve on our part to ask you show your love for the party in this way.
f) Our Political Opponents want you to stay on
For obvious reasons, your Chairmanship receives a lot of “support” from our political opponents as they know that keeping you there for Gerakan, their rule of Penang will not be threatened. Keeping you where you are is insurance for them as it helps them to consolidate their position further.
In fact, with a weak Gerakan in Penang, our political opponents can concentrate their effort in expanding their influence to other states, by giving them reinforcement from Penang.
We need to make Penang Gerakan relevant and strong again so that our opponents may have to re-strategize and pull back their armies from other states to defend Penang.
g) Reform is Imminent
Dr Teng, in all society and communities, and in life too, change is the only constant. A leader is always best remembered when they allow reforms to take place when times demand it. Indeed the time has come for Gerakan to reform; in fact it is long over due. I am convinced that no reform can take place as long as you are still the Chairman. Therefore at this point, please step down, Dr Teng, your time is up.
h) The Gerakan Spirit of 69
History has a rich knowledge that we can leverage on. In the year 1969, what made Party Gerakan so special and appealing in the eyes of the voters was the ability of its leaders then like Tun Dr Lim to lead the leadership team while also engaging the grassroots to reach out to the communities. In short, there is movement from the top and also at the grassroots level. During your tenure, there are hardly any engagements with the grassroots. As such, the going back to basics for Party Gerakan doesn’t have any meaning at all.
Dr Teng, I will also like to acknowledge that you have contributed to the Party Gerakan and should have a place in the history of the Party and no one can change the facts. However, the current political landscape and demand no longer rhyme with your leadership style and skill sets.
As such, with so many compelling reasons that you should allow the transformation to take place, I would like to encourage you to walk out with your head held high and every one of us will remember you for the big sacrifice that you have done for the Party and Penang in general. It is definitely not a sign of weakness on your part but it is a sign of big sacrifice for the Party that you have grown up with. It is also a sign of you giving back to the Party. Hopefully, you may want to reconsider the EGM decision.
Lastly, Dr Teng, should the EGM need to be called, I hope that you do understand that we have been trying all methods to reach an agreement with you but in vain. We do understand and sympathetic towards your plight and situations but as representatives you should shoulder the voters’ aspirations. We just need to do the RIGHT THINGs for once. In addition, we dream of getting Gerakan to be relevant again by rediscovering the spirit of 69’ in which your leadership has not been able to deliver thus far and as such, we need a reform and change badly.
Dr Teng, something to share with you on what I read recently -
In a journey of life, most people will agree that they regret for the things that they didn’t do when there are opportunities and not so many of them on what they have done.
Thank you.
Voice of Gerakan Grassroots.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Personal Agenda or Personal Vendetta?

Oct 6, 10

While the members welcomed Lim's resignation, the group's spokesperson Rich Too said they felt his timing was inappropriate as the state leadership was trying to resolve a leadership crisis through the EGM on Oct 10 (this Sunday).

“What he did was not good for the party; it is bound to create some problems as it shows he (Lim) has a personal agenda,” said Too (left) during a press conference in Penang today.
He was accompanied by two other young members - Dr Melvin Chin and Ng Say King - who are also the party's deputy publicity chief and state Youth vice-chairman respectively, but maintained that they were are the press event in their personal capacity.
However, Too could not elaborate on what he meant by 'personal agenda' but said that the former Gerakan president's statement criticising his successor Dr Koh Tsu Koon for not following his instructions is unacceptable.
“If we have to follow the advisor's instruction, then why do we need a chairman? Lim has given (others) a wrong perception of the party,” said Too, who is also state Gerakan publicity bureau chairman. “The chairman has the right to make decisions after he consults with the members,” he added.
Too said members were disappointed with Lim for saying in the media in February this year that the party could not regain any seats in Penang.

“He put the party in a bad light; so we hope with his resignation, something positive can happen; now we do not have to carry his baggage, we can try to bring the party forward again,” he added.
Lim resigned as advisor yesterday and claimed that Koh was not proactive in resolving many issues affecting the party, and that he acted “akin to an ostrich burying its head in the ground”.
Lim's decision came in the wake of Koh saying he could not attend the Penang Gerakan EGM on Sunday.
New members accepted party's ideology
Too said new members who joined Gerakan before and after March 2008 did so not because of any 'superstars' in the leadership.
He added that they joined the party because they “believed and accepted” the party's ideology.
He urged leaders to refrain from playing “political tricks” to influence members but instead told them to serve the people and show what the party can do for the country.

Meanwhile, Too warned Lim that his actions may affect the political future of his son, Lim Si Pin, within the party.
He said that Si Pin (right), who is national Youth chief, had been trying very hard to get out of his father's shadow but the latter's recent outburst in the media may be counterproductive to his (Si Pin's) efforts.
“We support him (Si Pin); he has a good character. We hope this issue does not affect our national Youth wing; we have a long way to go,” said Too.
“Do not forger that the voices of the Youths and new members are important because it is us who will move the party forward in the future,” he added.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The Theatrical Resignation of Sdr. Dr. Lim Keng Yaik as Advisor of Party Gerakan
The Theatrical Resignation of Sdr. Dr. Lim Keng Yaik as Advisor of Party Gerakan
When announcing his resignation as the Advisor of Party Gerakan, Sdr Dr. Lim Keng Yaik said that he is resigning because his anointed successor Sdr. Dr. Koh Tsu Koon did not take his advice in the handling of Party affairs. Sdr. Dr. Lim cited the example of the forthcoming EGM of the Penang Gerakan scheduled on 10-10-10 wherein Sdr. Dr. Koh has decided to skip the EGM so that he can attend the MCA Annual Delegates Conference held on the same day.
The Penang Gerakan EGM is a meeting requested by the Penang Delegates in respect of an issue which is essentially a Penang matter. The Penang Delegates did not see it as an issue when Sdr Dr. Koh announced that he is not attending the EGM. So why is Sdr. Dr. Lim making it an issue? The Penang Delegates feel that Sdr. Dr. Koh, as the President of the Party should be neutral in this EGM and by not attending, he is expressing that neutrality. The Penang Delegates do not feel offended or neglected by the non-attendance of Sdr. Dr. Koh because the EGM is a matter which can be handled by the Penang Delegates. Simply put, the EGM is a Penang matter.
There will be people who will think differently but so what? What is the big deal? Why get so upset and behave as if the sky is falling down? What is puzzling is why the Advisor called a press conference and loudly and angrily denounced the President of the Party at this point of time just before the EGM? And the Advisor is not a Penang Delegate! By the action and emotional outburst of the Advisor, one cannot help but suspect that the Advisor wanted to interfere in the EGM and to stop it, and, since he is not being able to do so himself, wanted the President to do so. And when the President said no, the Advisor went ballistic shouting that the sky is falling down.
Sdr. Dr. Lim said that he is resigning as the Advisor because the President is not listening to his advice. A true advisor, like a priest, is a neutral person. He merely advises and whether the listener accepts the advice is for the listener to decide and the listener takes responsibility for his action. A priest does not resign or throw into a tantrum if his advice is not accepted. If you get mad when your advice is not accepted then, consciously or unconsciously, you truly intended your advice to be ‘mandatory’ and in that case you are practicing ‘muscle advising”. Given that Sdr. Dr. Lim is so much more senior than Sdr Dr. Koh, it is most regrettable that Sdr. Dr. Lim does not practice the true meaning of an advisor.
No one is saying that Sdr. Dr. Lim cannot resign as the Advisor if he believes that he cannot perform the proper role of an advisor. Indeed he should resign. But what is most upsetting, and indeed most unbecoming of a Party stalwart, is the manner he announced his resignation and, in the same breath, ridiculed and denounced the President of the very Party that appointed him as the Advisor.
Again no one is saying that Sdr. Dr. Lim does not have the right to criticize but let’s have some decency. Sdr. Dr. Koh may not agree with the view of the Advisor and possibly, Sdr. Dr. Koh may be wrong in his assessment of things but his is the President of the Party. Sdr. Dr. Lim is not. Be respectful of the office of the President. Do not abuse the office of the Advisor to pursue one’s personal vendetta and ulterior motives.
Now that Sdr. Dr. Lim have resigned as the Advisor, he ought to stay there and keep out of the Party affairs. On hindsight, it was a mistake to create the office of the Advisor of the Party. Given this nasty episode, it is time to abolish the office of the Advisor immediately.
gG - Gerakkanlah Gerakan !
槟城民政党 - 为什么召开临时特别大会?
至今我们有看到任何的愿望达成吗? 我们还需要再等吗?我们还有多少时间呢?
说实在的,槟州民政党需要全面改造,就从今天开始。 如果我们一心想改变,我们必须现在就改变。
想要奋起直追、提高党的形象、重修过去的失误甚至重收复地, 我们都需要时间。 不过现实上,时间就是我们所没有的。
许多人说:“我们不该在这个时候晃船,制造不安定。” 但, 如果我们任由这艘船继续下沉而置之不理,这是否意味更大的错误呢?
通往特别代表大会之路 经过反复商议与多次尝试寻找不伤和气的平衡点,代表们踏出了空前的、痛苦的一步,即在临时代表大会上对州主席投以不信任得一票。
Gerakkanlah Gerakan 启动吧,
民政党 二零一零年九月三十日
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Penang Gerakan - Why EGM?
When Sdr. Dr. Teng Hock Nan was elected as the Penang Gerakan State Chairman in October 2008 with a majority of 10 votes, he promised to “rebuild the party and lead it to the next level.”
As a freshly elected leader he was expected to unite the Party and mobilise every member to work towards a common political programme. Since assuming office, he has a free hand to turn the Party round and to improve the image of Gerakan with the Penang electorate.
Let’s ask ourselves, what has substantially happened since he took over the chairmanship?
Over the last 2 years, Gerakan’s image has further deteriorated. There is this pervasive sense of “business as usual” in Gerakan. It seems like the leaders have still not woken up to the fact that they have been totally rejected by the electorate. They walk and talk like as if they are still in power.
The fact is, none is in the state assembly and yet none has been an effective opposition. Unable to gauge the sentiment of the Rakyat, more importantly, the lack of leadership and strategic planning have led to only sporadic, ill planned attacks on the State government, which only further distance the party from the public.
Gerakan is in crisis, internally and externally. Is Dr Teng the right person to lead us out of this crisis?
It is undeniable that he has contributed significantly to the party in his long years of service. But, for now, Gerakan is in an unusual, turbulent time, full of uncertainty. Every member is looking for a strong leadership with coherent strategy and sound political programs to actively engage the electorate.
We need a leader who can grasp and show us the big picture, to hold up a beacon of hope to spur us on, to unit all factions in the party, to harness all the youthful enthusiasm and energy, channel them and nurture them towards the ultimate goal of upholding the party ideals.
Most of all, we need a chairman who places the party above self.
Have we seen any of these aspirations fulfilled so far?
Should we wait on?
How much time do we have?
Albert Einstein said “insanity: is to keep on doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”
Let’s take stock of our situation, are we all heading towards the mental asylum?
It is now 2 years since the devastating defeat of 308, is the state Chairman still act the same, talk the same, and think the same, yet foolishly hope that Gerakan will rise above the crisis and be in power again?
Or, is he folding his arms and wait for the Pakatan to implode itself and voilà! The Rakyat will favor Gerakan again?
Seriously, Gerakan Penang needs a total revamp, RIGHT NOW!!
If we are committed to change, we must change now.
To pick up from where we are now, to improve the image of the party, to undo all the damages done, to regain lost ground – we need time.
Realistically, TIME is what we do not have.
Many have said, “It is wrong to rock the boat now.”
How much more wrong it is to be on board a sinking boat and do nothing?
The road leading to the Extra General Meeting.
After much deliberation and multiple attempts to find an amicable way out, the delegates have taken the unprecedented and painful step of going to the EGM for a vote of no confidence on the state chairman.
When a patient comes into the hospital with a ruptured appendicitis, the surgeon chooses to use the sharpest knife on him, not out of hatred but out of the need to save a life.
Heart renting as it may be, the grassroots has seen the EGM as the only last ditch effort to save the Party from further degeneration. We are mindful that the EGM will not lead to the end of the woes besetting the party, but at least, it is the beginning of the end of the deterioration in the party.
We truly appreciate the concern Dr Teng has for the welfare of the Party, namely his fear of a vacuum in the leadership if the motion of the EGM is passed.
We are confident, the party will not be worse off after a change in the state chairmanship. We firmly believe there are still enough capable leaders left in the party, who have enough love and passion for the party to be revived. When the circumstances call for their service, they would step up to take on the role of leading the party. The party badly needs new blood, new approach, and new energy to bring it to overcome the multitudes of hurdles ahead.
Leader in crisis.
Crisis has the effect of stripping one bare to reveal the real character of a person. We, the delegates, are watchful of the responses and strategies of the embattled Chairman. All the words and deeds of him and his inner circle will be scrutinized and evaluated to let us all accurately assess - What Dr Teng is made up of?
This EGM has open up a golden opportunity to let us peek into his character. At the moment, the delegates are not pleased with what they have seen.
For the many reasons above, the EGM is necessary and the motion is inevitable. Let us all take the very first baby step to salvage the party, and open the door towards a brighter future for the party that we all love.
“Not that we love you less but we love the Party more.”
Gerakkanlah Gerakan
30 September 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Cracks worsen in Gerakan’s Penang base
By Clara Chooi September 10, 2010
GEORGE TOWN, Sept 10 — Already in a state of disarray since its worst-ever performance during Election 2008, the struggling Gerakan now appears on the verge of further self-destruction.
Its Penang liaison body has been hit lately by a slew of conspiracy theories and an internal coup d'état movement that seems determined to remove its state chief Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan.
It is believed the group will complete collecting the 50 signatures from more than 350 party delegates by next week, which are enough for them to requisition a no-confidence motion against Teng in an extraordinary general meeting (EGM).
Once the motion is taken to the EGM however, it needs to be approved by a two-thirds majority of the delegates before it can be put into effect.
Teng has charged that the movement is being masterminded by former fellow vice-president Huan Cheng Guan in the latter’s attempts to gain popularity for the newly-formed Parti Cinta Malaysia, where he now sits as vice-president.
In a new twist, however, a division chief told The Malaysian Insider that the movement is led by the younger members in Gerakan who are angered that Teng has refused to listen to their pleas for reform.

A group within Gerakan wants Teng out. — Picture by Clara Chooi
Bukit Mertajam division chief Datuk Tan Kim Seah said in fact that the group comprised Teng’s own people whom he himself had commissioned to form a think-tank to survey the general sentiment of voters.
“He started the campaign... it originated from Teng himself. He asked these youths to survey what the support is like for Gerakan and how to revive the party.
“They surveyed and then fashioned a memorandum in which the first condition called for Teng’s resignation,” he said.
Tan claimed that this was because it was discovered that Teng had a bad reputation on the ground and was seen to be a likely stumbling block to the already troubled party.
“Furthermore, the clock is ticking on us. We do not have much time left before the next general election. It is going to be extremely difficult to win even one seat back. Now, Teng has become a bigger liability to the party,” he said.
Tan rubbished Teng’s conspiracy theory that the revolt movement was influenced by Huan, pointing out that the former vice-president was no longer even a Gerakan member.
“He seems to have caught his own foot in the door and now his own people want him to step down but he does not want to.
“Why? Because he is still set on becoming the next chief minister,” he said.
Teng was widely tipped to be the next Penang chief minister, replacing Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon during Election 2008 when the latter announced that he was moving on to a federal post.
Teng, however, lost his contest for the Pulau Tikus state seat and Gerakan, which had helmed Penang for nearly 40 years since 1969, lost the entire state to the Pakatan Rakyat parties of DAP, PKR and PAS.
Gerakan failed to secure even one seat while Umno won 11 seats in the 40-seat state assembly. DAP made a clean sweep and secured all 19 state seats it contested, while PKR won nine and PAS won one.
“But now, the new blood of the party want to disassociate themselves from Teng because, image-wise, his reputation is not good.
“What we want is a new image for Gerakan and everyone needs to be big enough to shoulder some of the burden. A good leader must have a heart big enough to contain everyone,” Tan said.
In an interview with The Malaysian Insider earlier this week, Teng continued to express suspicion that the whole turmoil had been triggered by Huan’s remaining supporters in Gerakan.
“They were the ones who held banners for him during the time of his resignation,” he said.
Teng explained that Huan’s resignation last year had initially been triggered following dissent over his choice of one of the 17 Barisan Nasional co-ordinators that Gerakan had to appoint for the state.
“Some people were not happy with the person chosen for the Machang Bubok constituency. That incident eventually led to Huan’s resignation,” he said.
Teng claimed there were now two main persons responsible for planning his ouster, saying that they were from the Permatang Pauh division of Gerakan.
“I do not know exactly why this is happening but I am putting two and two together. These are people who strongly support Huan.
“And for Huan... now he is now in PCM. What is one of the better ways to make sure that you are noticed and prominent?” he said.
When asked if he meant that Huan was merely attempting to gain popularity for himself and PCM by using the issue, Teng smiled and said: “Of course! You said it, not me.”
He, however, noted that he was ready to abide by the party’s constitution should the group of dissidents successfully collect the 50 signatures.
“By law, we will have to hold an EGM and it is purely a democratic process. We will go ahead,” he said.
He expressed sadness, however, that the group had not approached him directly first before making their intentions known in the press.
“I am open to criticism. There is nothing wrong with constructive criticism. If they had attempted to speak with the leadership first and then found that we were unable to help and only then they went to the media, I would be in full agreement. But now, they did not even speak to us,” he said.