The Theatrical Resignation of Sdr. Dr. Lim Keng Yaik as Advisor of Party Gerakan
When announcing his resignation as the Advisor of Party Gerakan, Sdr Dr. Lim Keng Yaik said that he is resigning because his anointed successor Sdr. Dr. Koh Tsu Koon did not take his advice in the handling of Party affairs. Sdr. Dr. Lim cited the example of the forthcoming EGM of the Penang Gerakan scheduled on 10-10-10 wherein Sdr. Dr. Koh has decided to skip the EGM so that he can attend the MCA Annual Delegates Conference held on the same day.
The Penang Gerakan EGM is a meeting requested by the Penang Delegates in respect of an issue which is essentially a Penang matter. The Penang Delegates did not see it as an issue when Sdr Dr. Koh announced that he is not attending the EGM. So why is Sdr. Dr. Lim making it an issue? The Penang Delegates feel that Sdr. Dr. Koh, as the President of the Party should be neutral in this EGM and by not attending, he is expressing that neutrality. The Penang Delegates do not feel offended or neglected by the non-attendance of Sdr. Dr. Koh because the EGM is a matter which can be handled by the Penang Delegates. Simply put, the EGM is a Penang matter.
There will be people who will think differently but so what? What is the big deal? Why get so upset and behave as if the sky is falling down? What is puzzling is why the Advisor called a press conference and loudly and angrily denounced the President of the Party at this point of time just before the EGM? And the Advisor is not a Penang Delegate! By the action and emotional outburst of the Advisor, one cannot help but suspect that the Advisor wanted to interfere in the EGM and to stop it, and, since he is not being able to do so himself, wanted the President to do so. And when the President said no, the Advisor went ballistic shouting that the sky is falling down.
Sdr. Dr. Lim said that he is resigning as the Advisor because the President is not listening to his advice. A true advisor, like a priest, is a neutral person. He merely advises and whether the listener accepts the advice is for the listener to decide and the listener takes responsibility for his action. A priest does not resign or throw into a tantrum if his advice is not accepted. If you get mad when your advice is not accepted then, consciously or unconsciously, you truly intended your advice to be ‘mandatory’ and in that case you are practicing ‘muscle advising”. Given that Sdr. Dr. Lim is so much more senior than Sdr Dr. Koh, it is most regrettable that Sdr. Dr. Lim does not practice the true meaning of an advisor.
No one is saying that Sdr. Dr. Lim cannot resign as the Advisor if he believes that he cannot perform the proper role of an advisor. Indeed he should resign. But what is most upsetting, and indeed most unbecoming of a Party stalwart, is the manner he announced his resignation and, in the same breath, ridiculed and denounced the President of the very Party that appointed him as the Advisor.
Again no one is saying that Sdr. Dr. Lim does not have the right to criticize but let’s have some decency. Sdr. Dr. Koh may not agree with the view of the Advisor and possibly, Sdr. Dr. Koh may be wrong in his assessment of things but his is the President of the Party. Sdr. Dr. Lim is not. Be respectful of the office of the President. Do not abuse the office of the Advisor to pursue one’s personal vendetta and ulterior motives.
Now that Sdr. Dr. Lim have resigned as the Advisor, he ought to stay there and keep out of the Party affairs. On hindsight, it was a mistake to create the office of the Advisor of the Party. Given this nasty episode, it is time to abolish the office of the Advisor immediately.
gG - Gerakkanlah Gerakan !
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