Open letter to Dr Teng on interview on Quang Ming on 12/11 機會留給新生代 丁福南大選不上陣
by Moving Gerakan on Saturday, November 20, 2010 at 3:59pm
Dear Dr Teng,
We would like to refer to your recent press interview reported in Guang Ming Daily and here are some direct feedbacks to you.
Contest or Not to Contest
You told the press you would promote new blood in the coming general elections. But when asked about whether you would stand for elections you were non-committal. You said that currently you did not have a seat to contest but would leave the final decision to your CWC. We are quite sure that if you have made up your mind not to contest, no matter how much persuasion or even direction from the CWC, you would still stick to your decision not to contest. However, judging from your wishy-washy reply, it is clear that you think you are still fit to be a candidate and want a seat to contest and even going for a safe seat like Pantai Jerejak.
At this point in time, what Party Gerakan needs is rejuvenation and internal party strengthening strategy. As such, contest or not to contest should not even be the question to answer. It is like a person who is recovering from an operation and is required to indulge in heavy activities. As a doctor, you would have given advice to your patient to focus his or her energy in recuperation and to ensure the internal wound heals first. Once the wound has healed, then only the patient can start to focus on heavy activities.
Based on our intelligence prior to EGM, you have pledged that whether you win or lose, you would be relinquishing your post. Now it looks like you do not live up to your words. You seem to be more concerned in tightening your grip on power by putting your men in key positions with no regards if they command support from the grassroots or if they have the capability to revamp the party.
As long as you still harbour hope of contesting, you are paying lip service to your rejuvenation plan. You will be seen not only as practising double standards but also using it as a ploy to remove your political rivals. You seem to be more interested in grabbing seats for your supporters in the general elections than party unity.
Chances of Winning
When reporters alluded that you were so unpopular that you might be rejected again by the voters if you contest again, you avoided the question by saying that you haven’t heard any members in Gerakan making that comment…
Do not be an ostrich burying your head in the sand! You seem to have very short memory. Haven’t you forgotten about the EGM passing a motion of no confidence on you? The EGM movers have repeatedly said that your public image was a liability to Gerakan because of your role you played in the last state government and the public disgrace you brought to Gerakan during the CM saga of the last GE.
In addition, we would like to remind you that it would be the people who will decide on your fate in an election and not the members of your party.
Let us repeat this again. You do not stand a chance of winning based on your current political stands and on whatever you do or say. Isn’t the recent public exchange between you and the CM Lim Guan Eng over the issue of investments for Penang enough to show how low your public standing is among the voters of Penang? It is a burden to Party Gerakan as you were in the last government that had been rejected by the people in 308. Will you now consider not contesting in the next general elections and focusing on your party’s power-transfer plan instead?
It appears to us that it is “business as usual” under your leadership. Where is your new election strategy? Do you really think that by changing the names of people holding party positions, the voters will embrace you as an alternative government for Penang? Do you know that the Penang voters have already lost hope that Gerakan can possibly play any more roles in Penang? They do not even wish to comment any more on Gerakan after the EGM. Such is Gerakan’s relevance in the eyes of the public.
Age factor
Dr Teng, if we are not mistaken, you are already 65 years old and going to be 66 or 67 by the time the next GE is being called. It is not the question of your health that is crucial but the image you represent. Being old and over-used, you actually run out of wits and ideas to resolve a new set of problems faced by the party vis-à-vis the electorate.
In addition, the trend is happening all over the world that rejuvenation of leaders is taking place. Take an example, in the US, their President is young and full of energy. Don’t you think it is time to give the younger generation the opportunities to lead the party? We believe so. We also believe that it is even more important for these young leaders to free Gerakan from UMNO hegemony and exert its independence in politics as prerequisites for Gerakan’s survival.
Party Gerakan Penang Line-up
Beside the points above, we would also like to share the sentiment of some of the Gerakan members. Your current state line-up lacks the excitement, vision and inspiration that are much awaited for. We are not sure how this can turn around the tide for Gerakan. The line-up represents more of an uninspiring lot waiting to be mauled alive by the hungry CAT.
When two leaders were named to head the same bureau, we can’t help thinking that either these leaders are not capable to lead on their own or it is another post-creating exercise to satisfy your “horse-trading” quotas needed to fulfill the promises you made while campaigning during the EGM. Either way, it is pathetic and unhealthy. Besides, haven’t you heard that there can never be 2 tigers in a hill?
It seems that you have never-ending stream of challenges as the Chairman of Penang Gerakan and perhaps, you should take a step back and reflect on whether you are the cause of this problem or this problem causes you to have more problems.
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